What are you going to learn by choosing this specialization?

  • You will learn how to plan and manage production processes.
  • You will be able to make use of integrated quality management systems.
  • You will be able to design and organize spatial structures.
  • You will be fluent in applying lean management and lean production methods.
  • You will learn how to design and organize the infrastructure of manufacturing plants.
  • You will learn to manage production processes in the area of eco-technology.

Career opportunities for you

  • production specialist
  • logistics specialist
  • supply chain management specialist
  • production logistics specialist
  • production data administration specialist

What are my passions? I am an amateur photographer and short film director. The biggest thrill, however, something that provides most fun is the post-production process and image processing. It’s time consuming, true, but I find it the most satisfying part of the process. Perhaps one day I will turn this passion into a profi table business. I am thinking about running my own company; that’s one of the reasons why I chose management as a field of study. I believe that I have the qualities which, combined with professional knowledge, will guarantee me success in career-wise. When I need to charge my “batteries” and boost my motivation I go to the mountains. Climbing is a challenge, but after winning every next summit, I feel that nothing is impossible for me.

Hubert Olejniczak

WSB University student

What else should you know?

  • It takes 3.5 years to complete an engineering program.
  • You will be equipped with theoretical and practical knowledge.

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Do 13 lutego
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515 zł
448 zł

Zapisując się do 13 lutego, zyskujesz:


  • 400 zł dzięki zniżce w czesnym, która na studiach I stopnia rozliczana jest na pierwszym roku studiów, obniżając proporcjonalnie każdą kolejną ratę czesnego.
  • Dodatkowo jesteś zwolniony(-na) z opłaty wpisowej w wysokości 85 zł.
  • Jeśli jesteś naszym absolwentem, zyskasz jeszcze więcej. Twoja zniżka w czesnym wyniesie 900 zł i będzie rozliczana na pierwszym roku studiów, obniżając proporcjonalnie każdą kolejną ratę czesnego.
  • Dodatkowo jesteś zwolniony(-na) z opłaty wpisowej w wysokości 85 zł.

Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 515 zł/mies.

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Budynek RR, parter
ul. Ratajczaka 1-3
61-891 Poznań

Godziny otwarcia:
  • pn-wt: 09:00 - 16:00
  • śr: 10:00 - 15:00
  • cz-pt: 09:00 - 16:00
  • so: 10:00 - 14:00
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