More on WSB Merito University
The WSB Merito University in Wrocław is more than 25 years old now! Our history began in 1998 with the launch of our premier courses in finance and banking. Over the years, we have been working hard and continued to expand and refine our range of educational products. We have grown strong and are today seen among the country’s top private institutions of higher learning, with lots of distinctions, accreditations and certificates that others do not get. We deliver award-winning degree programs, a rich variety of training courses, and even MBA programs. Our greatest pride are, however, the thousands of alumni who are doing so well in the tough job market.

As a provider of quality business education, we make every effort to enable you to:
- blend knowledge from different domains and apply it in the workplace
- select a degree program that will provide you with relevant and immediately applicable skills, e.g. in running a business of your own
- meet field experts – because we strongly promote networking and experience sharing among students and teachers
- interact with accomplished representatives of the business community, including the city’s and region’s leading companies (such as e.g. Nokia, IBM, Limango, CzART, SI Consulting, etc.); their involvement in classroom teaching stands for direct transfer of know-how and compelling case studies
- use the support of our Careers Office (link do BR) in finding a job, taking a professional training course, and arranging a domestic or international work placement or internship
- develop and upgrade your skill level in such areas as career planning, critical thinking, creative thinking, interpersonal communication, data analysis, project coordination, etc.
- influence our study programs and the organization of our administrative services, because we do want to hear what you think of us: we regularly survey our students’ satisfaction and keep track of alumni careers

The campus of WSB Merito University in Wrocław
Building "G" of WSB Merito University in Wrocław is one of the most modern teaching facilities in Poland. It is the newest of the five buildings that make up the WSB campus at Fabryczna Street in Wrocław. The first classes in the new building started in the fall of 2020.
The building rises to a height of four floors, its usable area is 8,300 m2. There are 58 classrooms, including 4 large lecture halls for 160 students each and 11 computer laboratories. The number of seats in the classrooms will allow over 2,000 students and lecturers to stay in the facility at the same time.
The new building is located on a plot of 1.5 ha, with an access road leading to it and a parking lot with 100 parking spaces in the immediate vicinity.
Do you want to learn more?
Read about Poland, WSB Merito University and Wrocław in our bruchure - available for download here.

Innovative, friendly, and practice-focused
Our mission is to “help change your world by being innovative, friendly, and practice-focused”. To make it happen, we employ the latest teaching methodology:
- each of our degree programs is run under the auspices of an Employer Council – an advisory body bringing together companies and institutions operating in a given industry (e.g. logistics sector), whose insights into job market developments help us forecast trends and respond instantly by updating our curricula
- we are strongly committed to teaching applicable skills and using innovative instructional methodology; for example, we have taken care that major courses in such programs as Logistics or Informatics are held in specialized laboratories using the same software that is used in real enterprises, e.g.: RFID Transport Technology labs, Transport labs, Engineering Graphics labs, Apple Computer Graphics labs, Microsoft IT Academy labs, or SAP Next-Gen labs (pioneering installations in Poland)
- our teaching is supported by so-called course manuals – easily accessible collections of student resources that provide a benchmark for course content, timing, and attainment
- there are no end-of-term exams – we do give you tests and exams, but they are scheduled over the whole semester rather than piled up at the end of it; this means you can pace your learning more reasonably, in smaller and more manageable chunks rather than in leaps and bounds
- in a majority of courses, learning outcomes are assessed through individual and joint projects and varied forms of group work to help you build up your social competencies
- many of our courses are taught through business simulations that confront students with real-life business problems to solve
- a single-assessment system means that there is one common credit for a course that has a lecture and a class component, so you do not need to earn credit once for the lecture and again for the class; instead, course credit is based on all assessments earned throughout the course
- we work at your convenience – our key service departments, such as the Registrar’s, the Library, the Careers Office, or the Financial Services are open on weekdays as well as on weekends, so both full-time and part-time students can visit at their preferred time
Choosing our University, you will: