Universal educational programs of WSB Merito University in Wroclaw for foreign students

IMPK Kubernetes Fundamentals for Developers

The Kubernetes platform was created by Google in 2014, is referred to as the "operating system for cloud solutions" and is included in the offers of leading companies offering e.g. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform.
Kubernetes is the leading infrastructure platform for microservices applications, greatly simplifying application maintenance, scaling, and continuous deployment processes.
Specialists familiar with Kubernetes are sought after by both IT companies and entities from other industries that use cloud solutions and create their own service applications, e.g. banks, insurance companies.


IMPK Kubernetes Fundamentals for Developers will help you understand what Cloud Native is all about, we'll talk about microservices and their architecture, then move on to Kubernetes and the principals of this project, and finish with more advanced concepts such as operators and GitOps.
People who know Kubernetes are in demand on the labor market and Kubernetes skills and the CloudNative ecosystem will not lose their importance over the coming years.

Benefits Overview - we will offer you the following

You will have a unique opportunity to consult your progress with an expert, ask bothering questions or about experience in this field.
Participation in the course will allow you to acquire theoretical knowledge and perform a number of exercises in 5 days
Opportunity to listen to comments, exchange of experiences and information about foreign labor markets with people from all over the world
All materials and training are in English
6-hour module popularizing the Polish culture and promoting Poland
2 ECTS points
[ experience ]?


If you want to take part in this IMPK, please write an e-mail to: aleksandra.sowińska@wsb.wroclaw.pl, in the title: 
Recruitment to IMPK Kubernetes Fundamentals for Developers
You will receive a return e-mail with attachments to complete, sign and return if there are still places available.
The number of places is limited!

Organizational information:

I.    Language: English - B1 level, 
II.    Data: 19-23 June 2023
III.    Price: free of charge 
IV.    Online - MS Teams


For more information please contact


Project Coordinator:
Monika Dziadowicz