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Programming holds the future - advanced course training of mobile application programming
WSB University in Poznań invites you to participate in the project titled Programming holds the future - advanced course training of mobile application programming in English at WSB Merito University, taking place at the Faculty in Chorzów. The project is realised as a part of the Spinaker Programme - Intensive International Education Programme of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, and is co-financed by the European Union.
For international students, the course is free of charge.

About the project course
The course constitutes a new offer at WSB Merito University within the Intensive International Education Programme and refers to an advanced native mobile app programming course - 80 hours of classes in English for at least 40 international students with the use of NativeScript - a cutting-edge environment for creating mobile applications, carried out by lecturers who completed the specialist training organised by NativeScript producer.

The course is addressed to international students - at least 40 persons (minimum 5 women), who:
- are students, according to the Polish Law on Higher Education and Science (of WSB Merito University and/or other universities in Poland or abroad);
- have a status of a student at the beginning and at the end of the project;
- are familiar with the basics of programming and want to develop skills in programming mobile applications attending the course that is conducted partially or fully online (depending on the pandemic situation);
- are fluent in English.
During the recruitment process potential participants:
- solve an online competency test (fundamentals of programming);
- have an interview.
Interested in taking part?

Feel free to contact us!
I am waiting for the email from you!
Course content:
The course consists of two parts (for international students the course is free of charge):
1. Introduction
This part promotes education in Poland and at WSB Merito university. It includes the following:
- a film about Poland from the point of view of an international student - issues promoting Poland as an attractive country to study: food, culture, language, student life, everyday life, geography, etc.
- educational materials for individual work
- a test
2. The main part of the course
Native mobile applications development using NativeScript
The course (the main part) will be entirely based on NativeScript framework. NativeScript technology is built on runtimes, core modules, CLI and plugins, all of which allow for the access to all native APIs directly from JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular or Vue.js. A rich set of cross-platform abstractions helps to quickly create high-quality iOS and Android applications from the same code base. All participants will be provided with an access to NativeScript for the course duration. They will also have an opportunity to meet with NativeScript distributor representatives during the course.
Groups consist of 10 to 25 participants.
The main part of the course takes 80 hours (two successive weeks):
- 40 hours of distance learning (5 days) (synchronous and asynchronous learning)
- 40 hours of classroom instruction (5 days) at WSB Merito University, the Faculty in Chorzów (with access to IT equipment at the University for the duration of the course).
In the event of an unfavorable epidemic situation, classes will be conducted entirely online (online classes will also be possible if the number of qualified international candidates required to start a group is not granted a visa).
- First steps
- Configuration
- NativeScript CLI
- Basics of user interface
- Working with data
- Routing and navigation
- Animations
The evaluation of the created application.
- Lunches and "coffee break" during classes held on-site at WSB Merito University's Faculty in Chorzów,
- Scholarship for a student coming from abroad for on-site classes in Chorzów ( to cover the cost of stay in Poland and travel) in the gross amount of PLN 3.850,00 for each participant taking part in 40 hours of on-site classes in Chorzów (does not apply in case of online classes),
- Personal protective equipment (disposable masks, disinfectant, disposable gloves) for the period of on-site classes at the WSB Merito University's Faculty in Chorzów.