Under the Erasmus+ exchange program, WSB Merito students can study for a semester at another European university.
Erasmus+ is an EU mobility program for education, training, youth and sport established for 2014-2021. We are happy to announce that WSB Merito University in Torun participates in next edition of Erasmus, for 2021-2027. Erasmus brings opportunities to people of all ages, enabling them to learn and share experiences at host institutions throughout and beyond Europe. In the first place, it allows students to spend a semester or do a practical placement in another European state during their time at university. Since in its first launch in 1987, it has helped more than 4.4 million students do part of their study program or a work placement abroad.
To be eligible for student mobility under Erasmus+, you must have completed the first year of study at a university participating in the program. The best thing about the program is that you do not have to pay any additional tuition fees at the host university. Another great feature of Erasmus+ is that you can get grant money to help you cover the cost of living while studying or doing a work placement in a foreign country.

Erasmus Recruitment for WSB University in Torun students
If you study in Torun faculty of WSB Merito University in Torun and are interested in current Erasmus recruitment possibilities: