CAS at WSB Merito
Centre for Advanced Studies at WSB Merito University in Gdansk (CAS at WSB Merito ) is a research and development unit established on the university campus to focus on the implementation of projects in the field of information technology in relation to the global business strategy of IBM – a partner of the centre. CAS establishment within WSB Merito University structures offers opportunities for multidisciplinary cooperation of staff, students and doctoral students from different WSB Merito faculties with highly skilled professionals from cooperating with CAS entities. Such an approach is consistent with the requirements of today's knowledge-based economy, in which interdisciplinary teams play a major role in R&D projects conducting. In this context, it becomes crucial to build an open and favorable environment of mutual relations between science and business organizations.

The vision of the Centre
The vision of the Centre is to become a leading research and development unit of north-eastern Poland in the field of IBM Information Technology Services.
CAS at WSB Merito, according to its mission, undertakes to build, maintain and develop a favourable environment for exchange of experience between academic staff and business representatives to enable effective and efficient R&D projects implementation in the field of new technologies, especially IT and decision support systems. Therefore the main goals of CAS at WSB Merito are:
- developing mutual relations between science and business organizations,
- acquiring the status of outstanding R&D unit recognizable domestically and abroad,
- cooperation with business organizations,
- training and development opportunities for the University staff and students,
- promoting and developing of project management standards.
According to the CAS mission as a place of personal development of employees and PhD, MSc and BSc students, the founders would like to invite all interested representatives of the academic community to the cooperation.

Research Fields
CAS Executive Advisory Board (in cooperation with IBM) has fixed four lines of research:
- IoT and mobile technology (IoT)
- Artificial Intelligence
- Processing technology of significant resources (Big Data)
- Hybrid Cloud.
Prof. Cezary Orłowski
Head of IBM Centre for Advanced Studies Institute of Management and Finance
Specialist in the application of IoT systems, Big Data pre-processing methods especially fuzzy and neuro modelling, building Infrastructure as a Code (IaaC) and digital transformation in environmental engineering.
Marcin Andrych
Software developer
Freshly graduated Computer Science engineer from WSB Merito Gdańsk, passionated about programming since high school. Currently working as a front-end developer.
Maciej Kacperski
Team Leader
At the beginning of the project was coordinating and taking a direct role in the process of creating the measurement module utilising my academic insight into the technology of fluids.
Once the shape of the module was chosen, he focused on the coordination of tasks of developers.
Aleksander Kleszczewski
Front-end developer
At the beginning of the project, he was responsible for the back-end development of an algorithm for GIOS data comparison. Now in the role of front-end developer, he prepares maps for FRAG's purposes.
Konrad Stróżański
Graduate IT engineer from WSB Merito Gdańsk. Working as a Software Engineer. Working in the FRAG project he is responsible for the creation of a subscriber for Luftdaten and aggregation the data from them to a station in the python programming language.
Marek Demkowicz
Architecture Engineer
Robert Neumann
Software Developer
Dawid Cygert
Backend Developer
Recent graduate of the WSB Merito University in Gdańsk, Poland.
Through years of self-directed learning, he has been specializing in full-stack development.
Mariusz Wąsik
Graduate of computer science at the WSB Merito Gdańsk. He has been actively watching the development of information technologies for over 20 years. In the project responsible for preparation and maintenance of IT infrastructure.
Anna Łuczak
Scrum Master
Involved in all of the above projects as a Scrum Master, incorporating agile and SCRUM principles and facilitating cross-team collaboration. Additionally and author of scientific articles covering innovation in the IT field. Freshly graduated from WSB Gdańsk as an IT engineer, a student of engineering management at the Gdańsk University of Technology and continuing education in management psychology at Jagiellonian University.
Prof. Cezary Orłowski, Head of IBM Centre for Advanced Studies
Institute of Management and Finance
WSB Merito University in Gdańsk
Aleja Grunwaldzka 238 A, 80-266 Gdansk, Poland
tel. (58) 522 75 88; (58) 522 75 37; fax (58) 522 75 23; mobile: +48 508 87 67 84