What are you going to learn by choosing this specialization?

Marketing Communication Mix
  • Communication management in transnational corporations  
  • Image creation  
  • Creation of marketing campaigns based on data analysis  
  • creation of visual/graphic materials 
  • Solving ethical issues in marketing communication
Career opportunities:


  • Consulting agencies 
  • International event agencies  
  • PR departments of transnational corporations 
  • E-PR, e-marketing 
  • SEO and SEM specialist

Key program features

General subjects
  • foreign language
  • IT Tools in Teamwork
  • Information Technology
  • Sociology
  • Social Communication
  • Globalization - new challenges
  • Economics 101
  • Effective Learning Methods
  • Basics of Law
  • Data Presentation Methods
  • Ethics
  • Marketing Psychology
  • Contemporary Debates
  • Major Projects Guidelines
  • PE
  • Global Marketing Mix
Program-related subjects
  • Social Science Methodology
  • Intercultural Differences
  • Management Instruments
  • Design Thinking
  • Media Law
  • Cybersecurity
  • Advertising
  • Media Communication Processes
  • Organizational Management of Media Enterprises
  • Open Source Intelligence
  • Communication with Local Societies
  • General Data Protection Regulation & Classified Information
  • New Media i E- PR
  • Artificial Intelligence in Marketing
  • Intellectual Property Protection
  • Esthetics & Design
  • Self-Presentation & Public Speaking
  • Media Planning
  • Crisis Communication Management
Show component courses

Hybrid form of studies

You will complete your studies on this degree programme in a hybrid format - part-time study. You will acquire new knowledge and skills both online and in the classroom. What does this hybrid study structure look like? For example, you study online from home on Saturdays and come to the university on Sundays. Synchronised distance learning on Fridays or Monday afternoons (selected courses and seminars) is possible.

Marketing Communication Mix
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